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Last update: 11.3.2015


Presentations that took place in 2014

 Invited Plenary Lectures at Conferences
M. Rozloznik , Gram-Schmidt process with respect to inner products and bilinear forms: rounding error analysis, 10th Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, Constanta, Romania, October 16-19, 2014.
M. Tuma, Incomplete direct and inverse decompositions for preconditioning iterative methods, 10th Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, Constanta, Romania, October 16-19, 2014.
M. Rozloznik , Orthogonalization with respect to inner products and bilinear forms in relation to Cholesky-like factorizations, snapshots of numerical analysis, A Conference Celebrating Martin Gutknecht's 70th Birthday, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 3, 2014.
M. Rozloznik, Gram-Schmidt process with a non-standard inner product and its application to approximate inverse preconditioning, Workshop on Structured Preconditioning and Iterative Methods with Applications, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), P.R. China, March 24-28, 2014.
abstract  slides 

 Invited Presentations at Conferences
I. Hnetynkova (joint work with M. Kubinova, M. Plesinger), Noise approximation in discrete ill-posed problems, XIX. Householder Symposium, Spa, Belgium, June 8-13, 2014.
J. Duintjer Tebbens (joint work with G. Meurant), On the convergence curves that can be generated by restarted GMRES, XIX. Householder Symposium, Spa, Belgium, June 8-13, 2014.
abstract  slides 
M. Rozloznik (joint work with F. Okulicka-Dluzewska and A. Smoktunowicz), Numerical behavior of indefinite orthogonalization, XIX. Householder Symposium, Spa, Belgium, June 8-13, 2014.
abstract  slides 
P. Tichy (joint work with G. Meurant), A new algorithm for computing quadrature-based bounds in CG, XIX. Householder Symposium, Spa, Belgium, June 8-13, 2014.
abstract  slides 
M. Tuma (joint work with J. Kopal, J. Scott, and M. Rozloznik), Enhancing incomplete cholesky decompositions, XIX. Householder Symposium, Spa, Belgium, June 8-13, 2014.

 Contributed Presentations at Conferences
M. Rozloznik, Numerical behavior of orthogonalization schemes with respect to symmetric indefinite bilinear form, The fifth international conference on numerical algebra and scientific computing (NASC 2014), Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R. China, October 24-29, 2014.
M. Tuma, Preconditioning for linear least-squares problems, The fifth international conference on numerical algebra and scientific computing (NASC 2014), Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R. China, October 25-29, 2014.
T. Gergelits (joint work with Z. Strakos), On the properties of Krylov subspaces in finite precision CG computations, MORE 2014 - The Conference Modeling, analysis and computing in nonlinear PDEs, Chateau Liblice, Czech Republic, September 21-26, 2014.
J. Papez (joint work with J. Malek, Z. Strakos, M. Tani), Interpretation of the algebraic error and algebraic preconditioning as the transformation of the discretization basis, MORE 2014 - The Conference Modeling, analysis and computing in nonlinear PDEs, Chateau Liblice, Czech Republic, September 21-26, 2014.
J. Duintjer Tebbens (joint work with G. Meurant), On the influence of eigenvalues on Bi-CG residual norms, 4th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, Birmingham, UK, September 3-5, 2014.
T. Gergelits (joint work with Z. Strakos), On the properties of Krylov subspaces in finite precision CG computations, 4th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, Birmingham, UK, September 3-5, 2014.
M. Tuma (joint work with J. Duintjer Tebbens), Matrix Condition Estimators in 2-norm, 4th IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, Birmingham, UK, September 3-5, 2014.
M. Rozloznik, Numerical behavior of indefinite orthogonalization, Talk at the contributed minisymposium CMS6, Linear Least Squares and Applications, The 19th International Linear Algebra Society Conference ILAS2014, Seoul, South Korea, August, 6-9, 2014.
M. Kubinova (joint work with I. Hnetynkova), Noise propagation in Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization and its relation to projection methods for solving discrete inverse problems, Joint ALAMA-ANLA meeting, Barcelona, Spain, July 14-16, 2014.
M. Tuma , Jak rozdelit grafy, site a data pro soudobe pocitacove architektury , Prednaska k pocte Miroslava Fiedlera a Alana George, Ceska spolecnost pro kybernetiku a informatiku, Valna hromada, Praha, June 20, 2014.
M. Tuma (joint work with J. Kopal, J. Scott, and M. Rozloznik), Towards enhanced incomplete decompositions, modelling, Modelling, Roznov pod Radhostem, June 2-6, 2014.
J. Papez (joint work with Z. Strakos), Spatial distribution of errors in numerical solution of PDE model problems , 7th workshop on numerical analysis Dresden-Prague 2014, Moritzburg, Germany, May 16-17, 2014.
M. Rozloznik, Indefinite orthogonalization with rounding errors, GAMM-Matheon Workshop "Matrix Computations for Sparse Recovery", Berlin, Germany, April, 9-11, 2014.
J. Papez (joint work with M. Vohralik), A posteriori algebraic error estimation in numerical solution of linear diffusion PDEs , Modelovani materialu - teorie, redukce modelu a efektivni numericke metody NMNV463, MFF UK, April 7, 2014.
M. Rozloznik, Symmetric indefinite factorization and orthogonalization with respect to bilinear form, AIME@CZ - Czech workshop on applied mathematics in engineering, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, March 11-12, 2014.
J. Papez (joint work with Z. Strakos), Spatial distribution of errors in numerical solution of PDE model problems , GAMM Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany, March 10-14, 2014.
T. Gergelits, Tracking the trajectory in finite precision CG computations, SNA 2014 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Winter School, 2014, Nymburk, Czech Republic , January 27-31, 2014.
I. Hnetynkova (joint work with M. Kubinova), Noise revealing in Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization as a mean of regularization in discrete inverse problems, SNA 2014 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Winter School, 2014, Nymburk, Czech Republic , January 27-31, 2014.
J. Papez (joint work with M. Vohralik), A posteriori algebraic error estimation in numerical solution of linear diffusion PDEs, SNA 2014 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Winter School, 2014, Nymburk, Czech Republic , January 27-31, 2014.
M. Plesinger (joint work with I. Hnetynkova, D. Sima, Z. Strakos, and S. Van Huffel), The core problem within a linear approximation problem with multiple right-hand sides, SNA 2014 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Winter School, 2014, Nymburk, Czech Republic , January 27-31, 2014.
Z. Strakos, Operator preconditioning in numerical solution of partial differential equations, SNA 2014 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Winter School, 2014, Nymburk, Czech Republic , January 27-31, 2014.
P. Tichy (joint work with J. Liesen), Max-min and min-max approximation problems for normal matrices revisited, SNA 2014 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Winter School, 2014, Nymburk, Czech Republic , January 27-31, 2014.