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Helmut Schmidt graduated in physics from Humboldt University in Berlin. He successfully completed his doctoral studies in applied mathematics at the University of Nottingham. In his new project, he will work closely with research teams from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, where he also spent three years as a postdoctoral fellow, and with colleagues at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Barcelona. During the project, launched with the award of the Lumina quaeruntur prize, he will investigate in detail the dynamics of neural networks and represent them mathematically. He will also use state-of-the-art approaches to develop brain models that will refine the analysis and interpretation of data using magnetic resonance imaging data. "This will allow, for example, better determination of biomarkers of neurological disorders," says the scientist.
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The management of the Institute of Informatics of the CAS joins the statement of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, which condemns the act of aggression of the Russian Federation against the territorial integrity and political organization of Ukraine and expresses support for the people of Ukraine. It also supports the press statement of the Karel Čapek Centre on the topic of waging a just war.
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The world of books by a famous mathematician: since the 1960s, Petr Hájek promoted artificial intelligence, influenced the direction of He is one of the most original Czech mathematicians. In his honour, the Institute of Computer Science of the CAS has opened a new library.
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The Institute of Computer Science organized an external meeting of its employees 1-3 September, 2021 at Jizerka.
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Visit of the president of the CAS prof. Eva Zažímalová, Vice president of the Academy Council prof. Jan Řídký and member of the Academy Council dr. Markéta Pravdová at the ICS of the CAS on February 19th, 2020.
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The role of the International Advisory Board is to provide ongoing consultancy to the Institute on its research activities. The first meeting was held on November 13, 2019.
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Ústav informatiky Vás v rámci festivalu Týden vědy a techniky AV ČR pozval na Den otevřených dveří, který se konal 14. listopadu 2019 od 9 do 12 hodin.
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Ústav informatiky uspořádal každoroční výjezdní zasedání svých pracovníků ve dnech 4.- 6. 9. 2019 na Jizerce.
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Ústav informatiky AV ČR se zúčastnil s partnery Centra Karla Čapka (Filosofickým ústavem AV, Ústavem státu a práva AV a Přírodovědeckou fakultou UK) Veletrhu vědy 2019.
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