Abstracts of TACL 2017 invited talks
Alexandru Baltag Towards a Topological Theory of Knowledge, Inquiry and Correlations
Martín Escardó The frame of Scott continuous nuclei on a preframe
Mai Gehrke Stone duality in the theory of formal languages
Bart Jacobs Introduction to Effectus Theory
Greg Restall A Concrete Category of Classical Proofs
Alexandra Silva (Co)algebraic foundations of automata learning
Luca Spada Geometric aspects of MV-algebras
Steve Vickers Sketches for arithmetic universes as generalized spaces

Abstracts of TACL 2017 contributed talks

Ramon Antoine, Francesc Perera and Hannes Thiel Completeness and cocompleteness of the category of Cuntz semigroups
Ramon Antoine, Francesc Perera and Hannes Thiel The Cuntz semigroup and the category Cu
Ramon Antoine, Francesc Perera and Hannes Thiel Tensor products of Cuntz semigroups
Hisashi Aratake Bicategory of Theories as an Approach to Model Theory
Vasileios Aravantinos-Sotiropoulos and Panagis Karazeris Definability and conceptual completeness for regular logic
Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano, Maria Jesus Chasco and Jorge Elorza Properties of the annihilator of fuzzy subgroups
Nega Arega and Van Den Berg John Topologizing filters on rings of frictions RS^-1 and congruence relation on FilR 
Peter Arndt, Ramon Jansana Ferrer, Hugo Luiz Mariano and Darllan Pinto Filter pairs: A new way of presenting logics
Francisco Avila The Frame of the p-Adic Numbers and a p-Adic Version of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem in Pointfree Topology
Matthias Baaz and Anela Lolic First-order interpolation from propositional interpolation: a proof theoretic approach on a semantic basis
Guillermo Badia Types and models in core fuzzy predicate logics
Adriana Balan A multi-valued framework for coalgebraic logics over generalised metric spaces
Philippe Balbiani and Tatyana Ivanova Extended Contact Logic
Michele Pra Baldi and Stefano Bonzio Undefinability of Standard Sequent Calculi for 3-valued Paraconsistent Logics
Guram Bezhanishvili, Kristina Brantley and Julia Ilin Arithmetic interpretation of the monadic fragment of intuitionistic predicate logic and Casari’s formula
Guram Bezhanishvili, Nick Bezhanishvili, David Gabelaia, Silvio Ghilardi and Mamuka Jibladze The Variety of Nuclear Implicative Semilattices is Locally Finite
Marta Bílková, Giuseppe Greco, Alessandra Palmigiano, Apostolos Tzimoulis and Nachoem Wijnberg The logic of resources and capabilities
Marta Bílková, Alexander Kurz and Bruno Teheux Modal extensions of Ln-valued logics, coalgebraically
Stefano Bonzio, Andrea Loi and Luisa Peruzzi A duality for involutive bisemilattices
William Javier Zuluaga Botero and Jose Luis Castiglioni Finite MTL-algebras
Michal Botur and Martin Broušek A new characterization of a class HSP_U(K)
Luca Carai and Silvio Ghilardi Existentially Closed Brouwerian Semilattices
Imanol Mozo Carollo, Andrew Moshier and Joanne Walter-Waylands An approach to subspaces of d-frames and an Isbell-type density theorem
Agata Ciabattoni and Revantha Ramanayake Bunched Hypersequent Calculi for Distributive Substructural Logics and Extensions of Bunched Implication Logic
Alex Citkin Projective WS5-Algebra
Maria Manuel Clementino Exponentiability in quantale-enriched categories
Almudena Colacito and George Metcalfe An Ordering Condition for Groups
Willem Conradie, Andrew Craig, Alessandra Palmigiano and Zhiguang Zhao Constructive canonicity for lattice-based fixed point logics
Willem Conradie, Wilmari Morton and Claudette Robinson Filtrations for many-valued modal logic with applications
Willem Conradie, Alessandra Palmigiano and Zhiguang Zhao Sahlqvist via Translation
Insa Cremer Reduced Rickart rings and skew nearlattices
Fredrik Dahlqvist and Alexander Kurz Positive Coalgebraic Logic
Mustafa Demirci On Two Approaches to Concrete Dualities and Their Relationships
Wojciech Dzik and Piotr Wojtylak Unification in first-order logics: superintuitionistic and modal
Mehdi Ebrahimi and Mahdieh Yavari Quasi injectivity of partially ordered acts
Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo and Sara Ugolini States of free product algebras and their integral representation
Sabine Frittella, Giuseppe Greco, Michele Piazzai, Nachoem Wijnberg and Fan Yang Matthew effects via dependence and independence logic
Wesley Fussner Twist Products and Dualities
Jeannine Gabriëls, Stephen Gagola and Mirko Navara Sasaki projections and related operations
Nick Galatos and Peter Jipsen Generalized bunched implication algebras
Nick Galatos and Peter Jipsen Classical and intuitionistic relation algebras
José David García Many-Valued Arrow Logic with Scalar Product Operations
Silvio Ghilardi, Maria João Gouveia and Luigi Santocanale Fixed point elimination in the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus
Maria João Gouveia and Luigi Santocanale aleph_1, omega_1, and the modal mu-calculus
Giuseppe Greco, Peter Jipsen, Fei Liang and Alessandra Palmigiano Modular proof theory for axiomatic extensions and expansions of lattice logic
Giuseppe Greco, Fei Liang, Andrew Moshier and Alessandra Palmigiano A proper Multi-type display calculus for Semi De Morgan Logic
Giuseppe Greco, Andrew Moshier, Alessandra Palmigiano and Apostolos Tzimoulis First-order logic properly displayed 
Giuseppe Greco, Alessandra Palmigiano and Fan Yang Proper multi-type display calculi for classical and intuitionistic inquisitive logic
Revaz Grigolia, Antonio Di Nola and Giacomo Lenzi Topological Spaces of monadic MV-algebras
Gianluca Grilletti Disjunction and Existence Property in Inquisitive Logic
Rafal Gruszczynski and Giangiacomo Gerla Two systems of point-free affine geometry
Georges Hansoul and Julien Raskin A Duality for Boolean Contact Algebras
John Harding, Carol Walker and Elbert Walker The convolution algebra
Takuma Imamura Analogies between small scale topology and large scale topology from the nonstandard perspective
Tatyana Ivanova Logics for extended distributive contact lattices
Tomáš Jakl A Vietoris functor for bispaces and d-frames
Gejza Jenča Effect algebras as colimits of finite Boolean algebras
Sándor Jenei Structure Theorem for a Class of Group-like Residuated Chains à la Hahn
Gavin St. John Undecidability of {*,1,∨}-equations in subvarieties of commutative residuated lattices
Tatsuji Kawai Lawson Topology as the Space of Located Subsets
Stanislav Kikot, Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev Alt_n in a Strictly Positive Context
Michiro Kondo Multiplicative derivations of commutative residuated lattices
Sławomir Kost Rooted frames for fusions of multimodal logics
Zofia Kostrzycka On interpolation in NEXT(KTB) and NEXT(KB)
Tomasz Kowalski A simple restricted Priestley duality for bounded distributive lattices with order-inverting operation
Tomas Kroupa and Vincenzo Marra The Free Algebra in a Two-sorted Variety of State Algebras
Alex Kruckman First-order cologic for profinite structures
Małgorzata Kruszelnicka Yes/No Formulae as a Description of Theories of Intuitionistic Kripke Models
Wieslaw Kubis Weak Fraisse categories and their limits
Andrey Kudinov Neighborhood-Kripke product of modal logics
Evgeny Kuznetsov Exponentiability in Stone Spaces and Priestley Spaces
Michael Lambert Wild Algebras in Cartesian Categorical Logic
Serafina Lapenta, Antonio Di Nola and Ioana Leustean Deepening the link between logic and functional analysis via Riesz MV-algebras
Frederik Lauridsen Intermediate logics admitting structural hypersequent calculi
Tomáš Lávička and Carles Noguera Infinitary propositional logics and subdirect representation
Tomáš Lávička and Adam Přenosil Antistructural completeness in propositional logics
Zhe Lin and Minghui Ma On the Complexity of the Equational Theory of Generalized Residuated Boolean Algebras
Tadeusz Litak Algebraic generalizations of completeness and canonicity
Tadeusz Litak The periodic sequence property
Minghui Ma and Yuanlei Lin A Constructive Four-Valued Logic
Mojgan Mahmoudi and M. Mehdi Ebrahimi Injectivity of (Naturally) Ordered Projection Algebras
Samuele Maschio and Giovanni Sambin Topology as faithful communication through relations
Guillaume Massas Semi-constructive Versions of the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma and Possibility Semantics for Intuitionistic Logic
Gholamreza Moghaddasi and Nasrin Sarvghad Prime injective S-acts
Patrick Morandi, Guram Bezhanishvili and Bruce Olberding Canonical extensions of archimedean vector lattices with strong order unit
Tommaso Moraschini The computational complexity of the Leibniz hierarchy
Tommaso Moraschini and Ramon Jansana Unifying the Leibniz and Maltsev hierarchies
Tommaso Moraschini, James Raftery and Jamie Wannenburg Varieties of De Morgan Monoids I: Minimality and Irreducible Algebras
Tommaso Moraschini, James Raftery and Jamie Wannenburg Varieties of De Morgan Monoids II: Covers of Atoms
Anuj Kumar More and Mohua Banerjee Algebras from a Quasitopos of Rough Sets
Michael Andrew Moshier and Alexander Kurz Duality for Relations on Ordered Algebras
Jan Paseka and Radek Šlesinger Q-sup-algebras and their representation
Jorge Picado Sublocales and a Boolean extension of a frame
Sylvia Pulmannova A Loomis-Sikorski theorem and functional calculus for a generalized Hermitian algebra
Luca Reggio Quantifiers on languages and codensity monads
Carla Reis Compact Enriched Categories
Laurent De Rudder Gelfand duality for compact pospaces
Luigi Santocanale Theories of relational lattices
Denis I. Saveliev and Nikolai L. Poliakov On two concepts of ultrafilter extensions of first-order models and their generalizations
Laura Janina Schnüriger Axiomatizing a Reflexive Real-valued Modal Logic
Igor Sedlár Bimodal bilattice logic
Ilya Shapirovsky Locally tabular polymodal logics
Valentin Shehtman and Dmitry Skvortsov On Kripke completeness of modal and superintuitionistic predicate logics with equality
Vijay D' Silva, Alessandra Palmigiano, Apostolos Tzimoulis and Caterina Urban A proof-theoretic approach to abstract interpretation
Jonathan Smith and Anna Romanowska Diagrammatic duality
Michal Stronkowski Admissibility for universal classes and multi-conclusion consequence relations
Isar Stubbe Topology from enrichment: the curious case of partial metrics
Christopher Taylor Expansions of Heyting algebras
Amanda Vidal Modal logics over finite residuated lattices
Meenakshi Wasadikar Some properties of zero divisor graphs of lattices
Kentaro Yamamoto and Zhiguang Zhao Algorithmic Correspondence, Canonicity and Completeness for Possibility Semantics
Eunsuk Yang Standard completeness for mianorm-based logics with n-contraction, n-mingle, and n-potency axioms
Zhiguang Zhao ALBA-style Sahlqvist preservation for modal compact Hausdorff spaces