19–23 August 2024 in Prague, The Czech Republic

Advances in Modal Logic 2024

About AiML 2024

Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting the state of the art in modal logic and its various applications. The initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based on the conferences. Information about the AiML series can be obtained at http://www.aiml.net.

AiML 2024 is organized by the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.

AiML 2024 is collocated with the 21st International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2024).

The full call for papers can be found here.

Important dates

  • Abstracts of full papers submission: 8 March 15 March
  • Full papers submission: 15 March 29 March
  • Full papers notification: 20 May
  • Short presentations submission: 30 May
  • Short presentations notification: 14 June
  • Final versions of full papers and short presentations: 21 June
  • Early registration deadline: 26 June
  • Registration deadline: 23 July
  • Conference: 19–23 August 2024

Invited Speakers

Program Committee

  • Philippe Balbiani (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse)
  • Lev Beklemishev (Steklov Institute of Mathematics)
  • Nick Bezhanishvili (University of Amsterdam)
  • Agata Ciabattoni (TU Wien) (chair)
  • Willem Conradie (University of the Witwatersrand)
  • Tommaso Flaminio (IIIA–CSIC)
  • David Gabelaia (TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute) (chair)
  • Silvio Ghilardi (University of Milan)
  • Nina Gierasimczuk (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Valentin Goranko (Stockholm University)
  • Rajeev Gore
  • Wesley Holliday (University of California, Berkeley)
  • John Horty (University of Maryland)
  • Emil Jeřábek (Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Clemens Kupke (University of Strathclyde)
  • Agi Kurucz (King's College London)
  • Roman Kuznets (TU Wien)
  • Emiliano Lorini (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse)
  • Tim Lyon (Technische Universität Dresden)
  • Tommaso Moraschini (University of Barcelona)
  • Larry Moss (Indiana University Bloomington)
  • Sara Negri (University of Genova)
  • Nicola Olivetti (Aix-Marseille Université)
  • Alessandra Palmigiano (VU Amsterdam)
  • Xavier Parent (TU Wien)
  • Elaine Pimentel (UCL)
  • Vít Punčochář (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Revantha Ramanayake (University of Groningen)
  • Renate A. Schmidt (The University of Manchester)
  • Igor Sedlár (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Ilya Shapirovsky (New Mexico State University)
  • Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (University of Koblenz)
  • Balder Ten Cate (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)
  • Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT)
  • Yde Venema (University of Amsterdam)
  • Rineke Verbrugge (University of Groningen)
  • Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum)
  • Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)

Organizing Committee

  • Olga Bažantová (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Marta Bílková (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Petr Cintula (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Wesley Fussner (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Zuzana Haniková (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Raheleh Jalali (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Filip Jankovec (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Vojtěch Kolman (Charles University)
  • Chun-Yu Lin (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Ondrej Majer (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Vít Punčochář (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Igor Sedlár (Czech Academy of Sciences) (chair)
  • Hana Stříhavková (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Steering Committee

  • Guram Bezhanishvili (New Mexico State University)
  • Agata Ciabattoni (TU Wien)
  • Giovanna D'Agostino (University of Udine)
  • David Fernández-Duque (University of Barcelona)
  • David Gabelaia (TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute)
  • Nicola Olivetti (Aix-Marseille Université)
  • Alessandra Palmigiano (VU Amsterdam)
  • Igor Sedlár (Czech Academy of Sciences)
  • Rineke Verbrugge (University of Groningen)


Faculty of Arts, Charles University. 116 38, Prague 1, The Czech Republic.

Local information

Note: Book your accommodation as soon as possible as August is high season in Prague.

The venue is located a few metres from the Staroměstská metro station. Information about the public transport system in Prague can be found here and the metro map is here.

These web pages gather information that visitors to Prague may find useful.

The local organisation team can be contacted at aiml-ramics@cs.cas.cz.

More information to be announced soon.


There will be two types of submissions for AiML 2024:

  • (1) Full papers for publication in the proceedings and presentation at the conference.
  • (2) Short presentations intended for presentation at the conference but not for the published proceedings.

Both types of papers should be submitted electronically using the EasyChair submission page using the AiML LaTeX template. For more information, please visit the full call for papers.

At least one author of each accepted paper or short presentation must register for and attend the conference.

Accepted Papers

  • Marta Bílková, Hans van Ditmarsch, Roman Kuznets and Rojo Randrianomentsoa: Bisimulation for Impure Simplicial Complexes
  • Yuanzhe Yang: A First-order Modal Logic of Strict Implication on Varying-Domain Models
  • Damian Fornasiere, Johannes Marti and Giovanni Varricchione: Frame Definability in Conditional Logic
  • Wesley Holliday: Modal Logic, Fundamentally
  • Philippe Balbiani and Hans van Ditmarsch: Towards Dynamic Distributed Knowledge
  • Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev: The Interpolant Existence Problem for Weak K4 and Difference Logic
  • Mikhail Rybakov, Dmitry Shkatov and Dmitrij Skvortsov: On The System of Positive Slices in the Structure of Superintuitionistic Predicate Logics
  • Line van den Berg, Manuela Busaniche, Miguel Marcos and George Metcalfe: Towards an Algebraic Theory of KD45-like Logics
  • Daniel Gaina: Birkhoff Style Proof Systems for Hybrid-Dynamic Quantum Logic
  • Rustam Galimullin and Louwe B. Kuijer: Varieties of Distributed Knowledge
  • Borja Sierra Miranda, Thomas Studer and Lukas Zenger: Coalgebraic Proof Translations of Non-Wellfounded Proofs
  • Juan Pablo Aguilera and Grigorii Stepanov: Strong Kripke Completeness of the Closed Fragment of GLP
  • Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida and Silvio Ghilardi: Unification With Simple Variable Restrictions and Admissibility of Pi2-Rules
  • Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida and Nick Bezhanishvili: Coalgebraic Semantics for Intuitionistic Modal Logic
  • Alexandru Baltag and Sonja Smets: Logics for Data Exchange and Communication
  • Yifeng Ding and Yipu Li: Some General Completeness Results for Propositionally Quantified Modal Logics
  • Vít Punčochář and Ivo Pezlar: Informative Presupposition in Inquisitive Logic
  • Jesse Comer: Lovász Theorems for Modal Languages
  • Yiwen Ding, Krishna Manoorkar, Mattia Panettiere and Ruoding Wang: Toward the van Benthem Characterization Theorem for Non-Distributive Modal Logic
  • Thomas Bolander and Alessandro Burigana: Better Bounded Bisimulation Contractions
  • Sofía Santiago-Fernández, Joost Johannes Joosten and David Fernández: A Tree Rewriting System for the Reflection Calculus
  • Xinghan Liu and Emiliano Lorini: The Complexity of Reasoning About Classifiers
  • Nick Bezhanishvili, David Fernandez Duque and Reihane Zoghifard: The Goldblatt-Thomason Theorem for Derivative Spaces
  • Ahmee Christensen: Logics of Knowability
  • Valentin Müller: Natural Deduction, Normalization and Subformula Property for Kreisel-Putnam Logic
  • Dmitry Rozplokhas: LEGO-like Small-Model Constructions for Åqvist’s Logics
  • Yanjing Wang and Junhua Yu: Point-Set Neighborhood Logic
  • Guillaume Massas: Goldblatt-Thomason Theorems for Fundamental (Modal) Logic
  • Xuefeng Wen: A Modal Logic for Reasoning in Contexts
  • Laura Bussi, Nick Bezhanishvili, Vincenzo Ciancia, David Fernandez Duque and David Gabelaia: Logics of Polyhedral Reachability
  • Wolfgang Poiger: Positive Modal Logic Over Finite MV-Chains
  • Lide Grotenhuis, Lukas Zenger, Bahareh Afshari and Graham Leigh: Intuitionistic Master Modality
  • Mojtaba Mojtahedi and Konstantinos Papafilippou: Projectivity Meets Uniform Post-Interpolant: Classical and Intuitionistic Logic
  • Vitor Greati and Revantha Ramanayake: Deducibility in the Full Lambek Calculus With Weakening is HAck-Complete
  • Melissa Antonelli and Jan von Plato: On the Proof Theory of Apodictic Syllogistic

Accepted short presentations

  • Jan von Plato: The Exact Correspondence Between Intuitionistic and Modal Logic
  • Christian Cachin, David Lehnherr and Thomas Studer: Simplicial Belief
  • Wen Tang and Yanjing Wang: Substitution as Modality
  • Merium Hazem Anwar Labib Bishara, Merium Hazem, Lia Kurtanidze and Lali Tibua: First-Order Probabilistic Logic With Sequence Variables and Unranked Symbols
  • Daniel Gonzalez: Modal Models in the Premodal Language
  • Aleksandr Gagarin: Products of Horn Modal Logics
  • Huimin Dong, Joris Hulstijn and Réka Markovich: Epistemic Positions: Towards a Formal Theory of Epistemic Injustice
  • Valentin Shehtman and Dmitry Shkatov: Fusions of Canonical Predicate Modal Logics Are Canonical
  • Joshua Yarrow and Sara L. Uckelman: An Aretaic Approach to Deontic Logic
  • Juliana Cunha, Alexandre Madeira and Luís Soares Barbosa: An Overview on PLTS: From Logics to Paraconsistent Graded Bisimulations
  • Alexander Kurz and Apostolos Tzimoulis: Canonical Extensions of Fuzzy Algebras
  • Sonia Marin and Paaras Padhiar: Nested Proof Theory for Quasi-Transitive Modal Logics


The registration is now open. Please fill out the registration form here: Registration Form.

After submitting the registration form, you will receive an email with a payment link within a few minutes (unless you have registered as an invited speaker). The registration process is not complete until we have received your payment. We only accept online payments by debit/credit card. At least one author of each accepted paper or short presentation must register for and attend the conference.

Early registration closes at 26 June (AoE). Registration closes at 23 July (AoE).

Our sponsors

EU Flag Mosaic

MOSAIC: Rise-MSCA-2020 P.101007627

Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics

Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics