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Power set

The power set,  or powerset of a given typeset structure, written typeset structure or typeset structure, is the set of all subsets of typeset structure.

In the ZFC axiom system , the existence of the power set of any set is postulated by the Powerset Axiom.

Any subset F of typeset structure is called a family of sets over typeset structure.

For instance, if typeset structureis a set of three elements then the complete list of subsets of typeset structure is as follows:

typeset structure , the empty set

typeset structure are the subsets with one element

typeset structure are the subsets with two elements

typeset structure is the only subset with three elements

The power set is closely related to the binomial theorem. The number of sets with typeset structure  elements in the power set of a set  typeset structure with typeset structure elements is given by a binomial coefficient typeset structure, also denoted by typeset structure.  coefficient. For example the power set of a set with three elements, has:

typeset structure subset with no element

typeset structure subsets with 1 element

typeset structure subsets with 2 elements

typeset structuresubset with 3 elements

Thus  typeset structure.

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Note that if typeset structure is typeset structure then typeset structure.

The above mentioned notation typeset structure has its root in the following facts:

We can identify every subset of a set typeset structure with its image under the indicator function typeset structure . Then

typeset structure

typeset structure

typeset structure

typeset structure

If typeset structure is finite , then the cardinality typeset structure. More generally, the so-called Cantor's diagonal argument shows that the power set of any set (finite or not) always has strictly higher cardinality than the set itself.

In the set theory the notation typeset structure is used for the set of all functions from typeset structure to typeset structure. Since the set typeset structure appears in some axiomatic definitions of non-negative integers as a representation for typeset structure, the notation typeset structure is at hand.  

The power set typeset structure of a set typeset structure endowed with the operations of union, intersection and complement is the prototypical example of a Boolean algebra . One can show that any finite Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of the power set of a finite set. Note that for infinite Boolean algebras this statement is no longer true. On the other hand,  every infinite Boolean algebra is a subalgebra of a power set Boolean algebra.

Another type of examples we get starting with the observation that the power set typeset structure of a set typeset structure forms an Abelian group with respect to the operations of symmetric difference. Here the empty set plays the role of the  unit and each set being its own inverse. Similarly, typeset structure is a commutative semigroup when considered with the operation of intersection. Since intersection is distributive with respect to symmetric difference the power set equipped with these two operations forms a commutative ring .

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