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Finite sets

There are several ways how to define finite sets. The definition is usually based on the fact that assuming Axiom of Choice , the following conditions are all equivalent for a set typeset structure:

  1. there is an injective (i.e. one-to-one) correspondence between the set typeset structure and some set of the form typeset structure, where typeset structure is a non-negative integer. The case typeset structure covers the empty set typeset structure, which is considered finite
  2. (Paul Stäckel)  typeset structure can endowed with total ordering in which every non-empty subset of typeset structure has both a least and a greatest element in the subset
  3. (Richard Dedekind)  Every function from S one-to-one into itself is onto, that is there exists no bijection between the set typeset structure and any of its proper subsets
  4. (Alfred Tarski) Every non-empty subset of the power set typeset structure of typeset structure has a minimal element with respect to inclusion.
  5. Every non-empty subset of the power set typeset structure of typeset structure has a maximal element with respect to the set inclusion.
  6. Every function from typeset structure onto itself is one-to-one
  7. typeset structure can endowed with a well-ordered and any two well-orderings on typeset structure are order isomorphic, that is the well-orderings on typeset structure have exactly one order type.

For instance, a set satisfying property (iii) is called Dedekind finite, in honor of R.Dedekind who, as indicated above, used this property to define finite sets  [1] , § 64-70 (actually he firstly  defined the concept of an infinite set , and then he says that a set is finite if it is not  infinite).

Theorem: Assuming the Axiom of Choice   a set is finite in sense of (i) if and only if it is Dedekind finite.

Proposition: If typeset structure, typeset structure are finite sets the so is typeset structure.

If there exists a bijection between typeset structure and typeset structure then typeset structure is said to be of cardinality typeset structure and we write typeset structure or that typeset structure.

Proposition: If typeset structure and typeset structure are finite sets then typeset structure.

Proof. We prove the result if typeset structure. Let typeset structure,typeset structure and typeset structure, typeset structure be the bijections form the definition of the cardinality. Define typeset structure by

FormBox[RowBox[{φ(x), =, TagBox[RowBox[{{, GridBox[{{φ (x),, if    1 <= ...                                       A                                                          B

to get the required bijection.


[1]  Dedekind, R. (1888). Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? (German). Braunschweig: Vieweg & Sohn..

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