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A function typeset structure  from a set typeset structure to a set typeset structure  associates to each element typeset structure an element typeset structure, in prefix notation typeset structure.  Often the parentheses around typeset structure are omitted, for instance typeset structure. Also the so-called reverse Polish notation , typeset structure, is used, for instance in factorial notation typeset structure.

In other words, a function from X to Y is a single-valued, total relation between X and Y, that is,  for every typeset structure there exists a unique element typeset structure such that typeset structure.

Since function concept is a special case of the concept of a relation, many notions defined for relations can be applied to functions.

The set typeset structure is called the domain of typeset structure, often denoted by typeset structure.  The target set typeset structure is called the codomain of  typeset structure, denoted by typeset structure.

A specific input typeset structure in a function is called an argument  and the corresponding unique typeset structure in the codomain is called the function value at typeset structure, or the image of typeset structure under typeset structure.

The concept of the image can be extended to the image of a set. If typeset structure, then typeset structure is the subset of the range consisting of all images of elements of typeset structure and is called the image of typeset structure under typeset structure, denoted typeset structure.

The set typeset structure is called the range of typeset structure.  The range of typeset structure is also called the image of typeset structure, denoted by typeset structure. In other words, typeset structure.

The preimage (or inverse image) of a subset typeset structure of the codomain typeset structure under a function typeset structure is the subset of the domain typeset structure defined by

f^(-1)(B) = {x ∈ X : f(x) ∈ B} .

The notation typeset structure is used to indicate that typeset structure is a function with domain X and codomain Y. Another forms of notations are typeset structure, or typeset structure.

If typeset structure and typeset structure are two functions, then a composite function is a function typeset structure defined by typeset structure for all typeset structure.  The notation typeset structure and read typeset structure composed with typeset structure. If function typeset structure and typeset structure are considered as relations then the composition typeset structure of relations typeset structure is again a function.

The composition of functions is always associative.

If typeset structure, then the composite function typeset structure, denoted typeset structure, is again a function from typeset structure to typeset structure. Repeated composition of a function with itself is called function iteration. The following notation is used typeset structure for every positive integer typeset structure.  Clearly, typeset structure.  By convention, typeset structure is the identity function typeset structure on the domain typeset structure, defined by typeset structure for each typeset structure.

The identity function typeset structure is neutral in the following sense: if typeset structure then typeset structure and typeset structure.

If typeset structure is a function from typeset structure to typeset structure then an inverse function for typeset structure, denoted by  typeset structure, is a function from typeset structure to typeset structure such that if typeset structure then typeset structure.  Because every function is a relation, the inverse relation to a function is well defined, but the inverse relation to a function may be not a function. Therefore not every function has an inverse. Moreover, inverse function is uniquely determined. If typeset structure has an inverse then typeset structure is called invertible.

If typeset structure and typeset structure are invertible functions and the inverse function typeset structure exists then typeset structure.

If typeset structure is invertible then typeset structure, typeset structure, is defined  by typeset structure.

A restriction typeset structure of a function typeset structure is the result of trimming its domain typeset structure to a subset typeset structure. In other words,  the restriction of typeset structure to typeset structure  is the function typeset structure from S to Y such that typeset structure for all typeset structure. If typeset structure is any restriction of typeset structure, we say that typeset structure is an extension of typeset structure.

A partial function typeset structure is a partial binary relation from typeset structure to typeset structure that associates each element of domain typeset structure with at most one (possible no) element of  codomain typeset structure. This means that (contrary to the definition of a function) not every element of the domain has to be associated with an element of the codomain.

A function typeset structure is called (following Bourbaki)

Consider functions typeset structure and typeset structure, and the composition typeset structure:

Let typeset structure, typeset structure be two functions with common domain typeset structure and common codomain typeset structure which is a ring with addition typeset structure and multiplication typeset structure. The  we can define two new functions

This turns the set of all such functions into a ring. Instead of typeset structure we can take any other algebraic structure typeset structure to turn the set of function typeset structure into an algebraic structure of the same type as typeset structure.

For the history of the concept of a function visit   .

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