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Notation Used for Operations

The conventional notation for arithmetic and logic formulas expressions in which the expressions are written using parentheses placed according to the precedence rules is called the infix notation. In this form the operators are written between the operands they act on (that is in the infix-style form). In fully parenthesized infix notation the parentheses surrounding groups of operands and operators are used to indicate the intended order in which operations are to be performed. To reduce the number of parentheses certain precedence rules conventions are used to determine the order of operations.

Generally speaking the infix notation as it is used in  common arithmetic and logical expressions  is not as simple to parse by computer as the so-called prefix notation or postfix notation. However,  many programming languages use because of its familiarity.

In the 1920’s , Polish logician, mathematician, and philosopher Jan Łukasiewicz* (1878-1956)  [1],  [2], [3]  developed a formal logic system which allowed mathematical parentheses-free notation in which the operators are placed  before (the so called prefix notation) or after (the so called postfix notation) the operands. Prefix notation is also called Polish notation in the honor of Łukasiewicz and the postfix notation is now called reverse Polish notation. In prefix notation, the operators are placed before the operand. In postfix notation, this order is reversed.

Actually, the reverse Polish notation was invented by  Australian philosopher and computer scientist Charles Hamblin in the 1950s, to enable zero-address memory stores, and it was derived from the Polish notation. Hamblin presented his work at a conference in June 1957, and published it in 1957 and 1962 [4],  [5]  .

In the years that followed, it was realized that the postfix notation is more efficient for computer computations in comparison with the infix notation. The postfix expression is scanned from left to right and the operands are simply placed into a last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack , while the operators may be immediately applied to the operands at the bottom of the stack. By contrast, the infix notation requires that the realization of operators actions be delayed until some later point. Therefore the compilers on almost all modern computers convert statements to postfix notation for execution [6].   

It is reported that the first computers which implement architectures enabling postfix notation were the English Electric Company’s KDF9 machine   , announced in 1960 and available commercially in 1963, and the American Burroughs B5000, announced in 1961 and also delivered in 1963. One of the designers of the B5000   was R. S. Barton who developed the postfix notation independently of Hamblin, sometime in 1958, before as he was aware of Hamblin’,s work, and was motivated by a a textbook on symbolic logic. Friden introduced postfix notation to the desktop calculator market with the EC-130 in June of 1963 .

The postfix notation was popularized to engineering and scientific community by Hewlett-Packard desktop calculator 9100A.  The first handheld scientific calculator using postfix notation HP-35 produced from 1972.  

Postfix notation

Postfix notation is a parentheses-free way of writing algebraic expressions without the use of rules of operator precedence. The expression typeset structure is written as typeset structure in postfix notation.

The expression typeset structure can be written as typeset structure, but also as typeset structure. In both cases it is assumed that arity of the operator is known. Evaluation (or implementation) of postfix notation is stack-based . The operands are popped from a stack, and results of calculations are pushed back onto it. Though this seems very obscure, the in formal systems (like computers) the expression can be easily analyzed and precessed.

For example, Postscript uses postfix notation.

Evaluating postfix notation

The best way how to explain the evaluation process is to use a stack. The postfix expression to be evaluated is scanned from the left to right. The constants (or variables) are successively how encountered pushed onto the stack. When an operator, say typeset structure-ary operation, is encountered, the indicated action is performed on the group of the top typeset structure elements of the stack, and the result replaces this group of operands under action.

Example: 12  2  +  11  4  -  /     gives


Converting conventional infix notation to postfix

Start by inserting all the implicit brackets that show the order of evaluation, i.e. the parenthesization of the expression should correspond to the standard rules of operators precedence. For instance, typeset structure and  typeset structure (or typeset structure and typeset structure ) have the same precedence, but typeset structure and typeset structure have higher precedence than typeset structure or typeset structure.  Then enclose the whole expression into the surrounding pairs of parentheses typeset structure. After that, the expression is processed according to the following rules:

Example: typeset structure   gives


If we use the standard infix notation without additional parenthisisation the we can proceed as follows:

Example: typeset structure   gives


A very natural is the conversion using trees representation of fully parenthesized expressions:



Prefix notation

Another possibility for ordering of functions and operands. In prefix notation the function precedes all its operands, e.g. typeset structure becomes typeset structure.  Commutative law for addition has in the prefix notation form: typeset structure, and the associative one: typeset structure.

Prefix notation corresponds more closely to many natural language constructions like “add 3 to 5”, i.e. typeset structure, or with connection with functions ”typeset structure of typeset structure", etc.

LISP is probably the best known programming language to use prefix notation.

Consider expression typeset structure. In the prefix notation it becomes typeset structure. Scanning this expression from left to fight we find out that:

In postfix notation the above expression looks like this typeset structure. This example shows that the evaluation of a prefix formula requires to remember the executed operation until we finally get the numbers to plug in. In contrast to a postfix formula, we never have to remember the operation, we have only remember the numbers before we learn what we shall do with them.     


1 If a left parenthesis is at the top of the stack when the terminating symbol is scanned, or a right parenthesis is scanned when the terminating symbol is at the top of the stack , the parenthesization of the original expression was unbalanced and an unrecoverable error has occurred


[1]  Łukasiewicz, J. (1921). Logika dwuwartosciowa. (Polish). Przeglad Filoz., 23, 189-205.

[2]   Łukasiewicz, J. (1929). Elementy logiky matematycznej (Elements of mathematical logic). Warsaw.

[3]  Łukasiewicz, J. (1963). Elements of mathematical logic. Oxford London New York Paris:  Warszawa: Pergamon Press: PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers.

[4]  Hamblin, C. (1957). Computer languages. Austral. J. Sci., 20, 135-139.

[5]  Hamblin, C. (1962). Translation to and from Polish notation. Comput. J., 5, 210-213.

[6]  Knuth, D. E. (1962, December ). A history of writing compilers. Computers and Automation; reprinted in Barry W.Pollock ed., Compiler Techniques, Auerbach Publishers 1972.

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