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A possibility of a relation between the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy (KSE) of a dynamical system and the entropy rate (GPER) of a Gaussian process isospectral to time series generated by the dynamical system was numerically investigated using threegif well-known chaotic dynamical systems. The results obtained suggest that such a relation as a nonlinear one-to-one function may exist when the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy varies smoothly with variations of system's parameters, but is broken in critical states near bifurcation points. Further theoretical and numerical studies are necessary to establish general conditions for validity of this conclusion. These results could find applications in two areas of the analysis of complex time series: The GPER itself could be used as a computationally cheap tool for classification of different chaotic states of dynamical systems; while discrepancies in the relation between the GPER and the KSE/LE (or other nonlinear entropy-rate equivalent [11]) could be applied for detecting bifurcation onsets in structurally evolving systems.


The author would like to thank A.N. Pettitt and V.V. Anh.

The author was supported by the Visiting Fellowship from the Centre in Statistical Science and Industrial Mathematics, Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, and in part by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (grant No. 205/97/0921).

Milan Palus
Mon Dec 16 09:47:50 EST 1996