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A monoid is a triple typeset structure where typeset structure is a non-empty set and typeset structure is a binary operation such that

A monoid is also called a semigroup with an identity element.

Monoid is called commutative or Abelian if the binary operation typeset structure is commutative, i.e. typeset structure for every typeset structure. Commutative monoids are often written additively.

Any commutative monoid can be  endowed with an  algebraic preordering <=, defined by x <= y if and only if there exists z such that x + z = y.

A submonoid of a monoid typeset structure is a subset typeset structure such that typeset structure and typeset structure is also a monoid. In another words, typeset structure contains the identity element of typeset structure and typeset structure is closed under the operation typeset structure (that is, if typeset structure then typeset structure). Monoid typeset structure is also called overmonoid of typeset structure.

A monoid homomorphism (or simply homomorphism) typeset structure between two monoids typeset structure and typeset structure is a mapping typeset structure such that

If typeset structure is one-to-one then typeset structure is called a monoid isomorphism or simply isomorphism. If typeset structure is also onto, then typeset structure is called a monoid bijection (or shortly only bijection).

A monoid typeset structure is called free if it contains a subset typeset structure  possessing the property that every element of typeset structure can be uniquely written as a finite product of elements of typeset structure, that is there are elements typeset structure such that typeset structure and if typeset structure is another subset of elements of typeset structure with typeset structure then typeset structure and typeset structure for every typeset structure.   Elements of the set typeset structure are called generators of typeset structure, and typeset structure is the generating set of typeset structure with respect to the operation typeset structure.  If the monoid typeset structure has a finite set of generators its is called finitely generated.

Free monoids are those objects in the category of monoinds which satisfy the usual universal property defining free objects. Consequently,  every monoid arises as a homomorphic image of a free monoid.

Each free monoid typeset structure has exactly one set of free generators. The cardinality of the set of generators is called the rank of  typeset structure. Two free monoids are isomorphic if and only if they have the same rank.

If there exists a subset typeset structure of a monoid typeset structure such that every element of typeset structure can be represented uniquely up to the order as a product of elements of typeset structure then typeset structure is called free commutative with the set of generators typeset structure.  For instance, the set of positive integers typeset structure is free commutative over the infinite  set of prime numbers (fundamental theorem of arithmetic), nevertheless typeset structure is not a free monoid.  But the set of natural numbers typeset structure under addition is a free monoid on a single generator, namely the number 1 (this the unique free generator for typeset structure.

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