
Stefan Ratschan

Barrifier is a program for verifying safety of dynamical systems. It proves safety using barrier certificates and computes counter-example trajectories using numerical optimization. The current version still is very much of a prototype but we will continuously improve the software in the near future.
Download (64bit Linux)
The quality of this package depends heavily on your feedback. So if you found a bug, have an example where Barrifier works particularily bad/well, or if you have any other questions, please send an e-mail to email.
Main Paper Describing Method
Stefan Ratschan
Simulation Based Computation of Certificates for Safety of Dynamical Systems
Proc. FORMATS 2017, Springer LNCS 10419
Software Dependencies:
The package use the SMT solver OptiMathSAT which you will need to download separately, and the packages NLOPT and SUNDIALS which are built in.

This software is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License. We ask you to properly cite its use in resulting applications and publications.

I would appreciate it, if you notify me (email) of your use of Barrifier, inform me about bugs, and send me resulting publications.

This software package was supported by GAČR grant 15-14484S and by the long-term strategic development financing of the Institute of Computer Science (RVO:67985807).