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Extended Euclid’s algorithm

The next result is often called Bézout’s theorem after Étienne Bézout (1730-1783), who proved it actually for polynomials. This result formulated for integers can be found earlier in the work Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac (1581-1638).

Theorem: Given two integers typeset structure, typeset structure, theth1re exists integers typeset structure, typeset structure such that

g = s a + t b,(1)

where typeset structure is the greatest common divisor of  typeset structure and typeset structure.

Two remarks:

The numbers typeset structure and typeset structure are not uniquely determined. Given one such couple typeset structure, there are infinitely many of them

{(s + (k b)/g, t - (k b)/g) : k ∈ Z } .(2)

Corollary: For any integers typeset structure with greatest common divisor typeset structure there exist integers typeset structure such that

a _ 1 x _ 1 + a _ 2 x _ 2 + ... + a _ n x _ n = g .(3)

The greatest common divisor typeset structure of integers typeset structure is the smallest positive integer that can be written as a linear combination of the form (3).  

One form how to prove the Corollary is to write

GCD (a _ 1, a _ 2, ..., a _ n) = GCD (a _ 1, GCD (a _ 2, GCD (a _ 3, ...GCD (a _ (n - 1) a _ n) ...))) .(4)

Bázout’s identity is true for principal ideal domains in general, although there may not be an efficient algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor here, or the required linear combination that produces the greatest common divisor. The result as such for PID’s follows easily from a non-constructive argument that the ideal generated by typeset structure and typeset structure is principal, and its generator is the greatest common divisor of typeset structure and typeset structure.

An integral domain in which Bézout's identity holds is called a Bézout domain.

Note, that Bezout's identity fails for general unique factorization domains. For instance, in typeset structure, the ring of polynomials with integers coefficients, the polynomials typeset structure and typeset structure, typeset structure are obviously coprime for all typeset structure, yet it is impossible to write their greatest common divisor typeset structure as a  linear combination of  typeset structure and typeset structure.

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