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Variation of a Function

Let typeset structure be a real valued function defined on an interval typeset structure. The least upper bound of the sums of the type

Underoverscript[∑, k = 1, arg3] | f(x _ k) - f(x _ (k - 1)) | ,

where typeset structure runs over all partitions of typeset structure, is called the (total) variation typeset structure of typeset structure over typeset structure. For instance, typeset structure. This concept was introduced by C.Jordan [1] .

Function typeset structure is called of bounded (or finite) variation if there is a number typeset structure such that typeset structure.  

If typeset structure is real valued then roughly saying typeset structure is of bounded variation means that the graph of typeset structure has finite arc length.

Theorem: If a real valued function typeset structure defined on typeset structure
a) has bounded derivation here, or
b) is monotone here, or
c) has a finite number of local extrema here and is continuous here,
typeset structure is of bounded variation.

The sum, the difference and the product of two functions of bounded variation is again a function of bounded variation. If the modulus of the denominator is larger than a positive constant then the quotient of two such function is also of bounded variation.

Theorem (Jordan decomposition of functions of bounded variation): A real valued function typeset structure is of bounded variation if and only if typeset structure can be represented in the form typeset structure, where typeset structure and typeset structure are monotone increasing functions on typeset structure.

To prove this put typeset structure, and typeset structure.

It follows that if typeset structure is of bounded variation, then typeset structure is bounded and its discontinuities are all jump discontinuities (i.e. of the so called first kind ) and are countable in number.

All these basic properties of functions of bounded variation were already found by Jordan [1] , [2] .

Jordan was led to the concept of functions of bounded variation in the context of generalization of the Dirichlet criterion for the convergence of Fourier series of piecewise monotone functions:

Theorem (Dirichlet-Jordan): Let typeset structure->R be a bounded function.
1) If typeset structure is of bounded variation on an interval typeset structure about typeset structure for some typeset structure, then the Fourier series of typeset structure evaluated at typeset structure converges to typeset structure.
2) If typeset structure is continuous and of bounded variation, then the Fourier series of typeset structure converges uniformly to typeset structure.

In 1904 Lebesgue  [3]  proved the following result:

Theorem (Lebesgue decomposition of a function of bounded variation): If typeset structure is a function of bounded variation on the interval typeset structure then it can be represented in the form
typeset structure,
where typeset structure is a absolutely continuous function, typeset structure is a singular function, and typeset structure is a jump function.

The Lebesgue decomposition is unique in some cases, e.g. if typeset structure. ( [4] , [5] ).

If typeset structure is absolutely continuous on typeset structure then its total variation is

V _ a^b(f) = ∫ _ a^b | f^'(x) | d x .

A multidimensional extension requires an appropriate generalization of total variation for functions of several variables is needed. There more possibilities how to do this.

Let typeset structure be a real valued function defined on typeset structure, typeset structure.  Given a set of indices typeset structure, let typeset structure denote the value of typeset structure at the point in typeset structure whose typeset structureth coordinate is equal to typeset structure if typeset structure and is equal to typeset structure otherwise. For an typeset structure-dimensional subinterval typeset structure of typeset structure, let typeset structure  be the alternating sum of the values of typeset structure at the vertices of typeset structure. The variation  in the sense of Vitali of typeset structure on typeset structure is defined by
typeset structure,
where the supremum is taken over all partitions typeset structure of typeset structure into typeset structure-dimensional subintervals.

This notion was introduced by Vitali [6] , and later rediscovered by  Lebesgue  [7]  and Fréchet [8] .

If all the involved partial derivatives are continuous on typeset structure then

V^(s)(f) = ∫ _ a _ 1^b _ 1 ... ∫ _ a _ s^b _ s | ∂^s f/(∂ u _ 1 ... ∂ u _ s) | d u _ 1 ... d u _ s .

An analog of the above Jordan decomposition theorem says that a function typeset structure is of bounded Vitali variation if and only if it can be represented in the form typeset structure where for both functions typeset structure and typeset structure all the sums typeset structure are non-negative.

For non-empty typeset structure, let typeset structure denote the function on typeset structure obtained by fixing the typeset structureth argument of typeset structure to typeset structure whenever typeset structure, and letting the other arguments vary. Function typeset structure  is said to be of  bounded Hardy-Krause variation if typeset structure is of bounded Vitali variation, for all non-empty typeset structure.

This type of variation was introduced by Hardy [9]  in the case typeset structure in connection with his investigation of convergence of double Fourier expansion of functions of two variables.  

For functions of a single variable, the notions of bounded Vitali variation and bounded Hardy-Krause variation coincide, and reduce to the usual definition of bounded variation. In multivariate case there are functions that are of bounded Vitali variation but not of bounded Hardy-Krause variation. Let typeset structure be not of bounded variation. Define typeset structure by typeset structure. Then typeset structure for all rectangles typeset structuresince typeset structure does not vary with typeset structure. Thus defined typeset structure is of bounded Vitali variation, but not of bounded Hardy-Krause variation.

There is a similar analog to the Jordan decomposition theorem also for functions of bounded Hardy-Krause variation as above.


[1]  Jordan, C. (1881). Sur la série de Fourier. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math., 92(5), 228-230.

[2]  Jordan, C. (1893). Cours d'analyse , Vol. 1. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.

[3]  Lebesgue, H. (1928). Leçons sur l'intégration et la récherche des fonctions primitives. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.

[4]  Natanson, I. P. (1961). Theorie der Funktionen einer reellen Veränderlichen. (Translated from Russian). Frankfurt a. Main: H.Deutsch.

[5]  Natanson, I. P. (1955, 1961). Theory of functions of a real variable. Vol. 1 & 2 (Translated from Russian). New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co..

[6]  Vitali, G. (1908). Sui gruppi di punti e sulle funzioni di variabili reali (Italian). Atti Accad. sci. Torino, 43, 229-246.

[7]  Lebesgue, H. (1910). Sur l'intégration des fonctions discontinues. Ann. de l'Éc. Norm. (3), 27, 361-450.

[8]  Fréchet, M. (1910). Extension au cas des intégrales multiples d'une définition de l'intégrale due à Stieltjes. Nouv. Ann. (4), 10, 241-256.

[9]  Hardy, G. H. (1905). On double Fourier series, and especially those which represent the double zeta-function with real and incommensurable parameters.. Quart. J., 37, 53-79.

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