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Classifications of Curves

We intuivelly think of a curve as a one-dimensional configuration which has its origin in relatively simple examples, like the path of a moving point of particle. However, the general concepts of curves are very inclusive and require a precise and careful mathematical treatment. To avoid some of the complexities when handling the curves in general, some restrictions are necessary. For instance, in 1890 G.Peano [1] and one year later in 1891 D.Hilbert [2] described 'plane--filling' curves which meet every point in some given patch of the plane which demonstrate in a dramatic way that our naive ideas about representation of curves is very limited.

Affine plane curves

Fix a field typeset structure, ordered couples typeset structure whose coordinates belong to typeset structure form an affine plane typeset structure. A curve typeset structure is an ordered configuration of points typeset structure given by two continuous functions of a parameter typeset structure:  

FormBox[RowBox[{x = x(t), ,,  , y = y(t)      for    t ∈ I, ,, Cell[]}], TraditionalForm](1)

where typeset structure is an interval (possibly infinite). The function typeset structure, is often referred to as a point function.

A curve in this sense is still very general, and in many situations requires restrictions. For instance, an arc is a curve given by  (1) with a finite range of the parameter, say typeset structure, typeset structure, and  

Continuous deformations of an arc, such as bending, twisting, stretching or shrinking, of an arc result again in an arc, provided no originally distinct points are brought together.

If the points corresponding to typeset structureand typeset structure coincide, we say that the curve is closed. Simple closed curve or a closed Jordan curve is a closed curve without self-intersection. For instance, a circle is a closed Jordan curve, but a parabola is neither an arc nor a closed curve. Boundary of a square is a closed Jordan curve.

A curve given in terms of equation given in equation (1) is often referred to as a curved given parametrically. Other form to define a curve is to define it implicitly.  If typeset structure is a function of two variables typeset structure with coefficients in typeset structure and typeset structure is an overfield of typeset structure then the locus of points  

Loc _ K(F) = {(x, y) : (x, y) ∈ K^2, F(x, y) = 0}(2)

is called curve defined by typeset structure and typeset structure is the equation of the curve over typeset structure. Elements of typeset structure are called points of the curve, and the points typeset structure are called typeset structure-rational points.  

Let typeset structure be a subfield of the field of complex numbers. We say that a curve typeset structure given by a point-valued function typeset structure defines a smooth plane curve if

This means that the direction of a tangent line at each point of the curve varies continuously as the point moves along the curve.

Algebraic curves

The curves can be classified with respect to a variety of criteria.  If the curve is the locus  of some polynomial equation typeset structurethen it is called algebraic curves. Non-algebraic curves are called transcendental curves.

If typeset structure, the  field of real numbers, typeset structure is referred to as a real algebraic curve. If typeset structure, the set typeset structure is called a complex algebraic curve. If typeset structure denotes a finite field, then typeset structure defines an algebraic curve over a finite field.

Algebraic curve can be classified by their order. The order of an algebraic curve is the degree of the defining polynomial. Here the degree of typeset structure is defined as the maximal integer in the set typeset structure.

A point typeset structure on an algebraic curve defined by the equation typeset structure  is called singular if  partial derivatives 1  of typeset structure at  typeset structure are both vanishing, otherwise it is called non-singular here. If typeset structure is a singular point, then we say that the curve is singular at typeset structure. The curve is non-singular it if contains no singular point.

Other classifications

The curves can be classified using various other aspects, as person’s names who invented or studied the curve, by construction methods, by shape, by a sailent property, by historical reasons, etc.   


1 If the field typeset structure is not a subfield of  complex numbers, then the partial derivatives are computed formally using the usual rules of calculus.


[1]  Peano, G. (1890). Sur une courbe, qui remplit toute aire plane. Math. Annalen, 36, 157-160.

[2]  Hilbert, D. (1891). Über die stetige Abbildung einer Linie auf ein Flächenstück. Math. Annalen , 38, 459-460.

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