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Gauß-Wantzel Theorem

The Gauß-Wantzel Theorem:

A regular typeset structure-gon can be constructed with compass and straightedge if and only if:

1) typeset structure is a Fermat prime. 1

2) typeset structure is a power of 2.

3) typeset structure is the product of a power of 2 and distinct Fermat primes.

The theorem can be rephrased in several equivalent forms:

Carl Friedrich Gauß proved the constructibility of the regular 17-gon (called a heptadecagon) in 1796 at age 18.  He was so pleased by this  discovery that he started to write his famous 2 Tagebuch [1]  and he asked to have a heptadecagon carved on his tombstone.  Under influence of this the discovery he decised for a mathematician career. Five years later, he published the whole the theory in terms of the so called Gaussian periods in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae.

Gauß conjectured that his condition is also necessary, but he offered no proof of this fact. In 1836, Piere Laurent Wantzel [2]  proved that Gauß condition is also necessary showing that if a regular typeset structure-gon is constructible for a prime typeset structure, then typeset structure must be a Fermat prime. Combining this result with that of Gauß and the knowledge of ancient mathematicians yield the above formulation of the theorem.

The construction for an equilateral triangle is simple and has been known since Antiquity. Constructions for the regular pentagon was known at least to ancients Greeks. It described in Euclid’s Elements (ca 300 BC), and Ptolemy’s Almagestca (AD 150). The ancient Greeks were able to construct a regular 15-gon. Inscribing these polygons in circles and repeatedly bisecting the sides they were able to construct regular polygons of typeset structure, typeset structure, and typeset structure sides, where typeset structure is the number of bisections.

Only five Fermat primes are known: typeset structure, typeset structure, typeset structure, typeset structure  and   typeset structure.

Thus, a regular 7-gon cannot be constructed using compass and straightedge, as well as a regular 9-gon 9 is the square of the Fermat prime 3. But a 15-gon is constructible because typeset structure and 5 and 3 are distinct Fermat primes, etc.

The possibility to construct an typeset structure-gon by compass and straightedge has deeper algebraic roots [3]  and it is connected with the fact that the extraction of roots can be done by compass and straightedge only in case of  the square roots. The most famous straightedge-and-compass problems have been proven impossible, in several cases by the results of Galois theory. For instance, Gauß in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, Section 345 showed that (cf. [4] , p.57)

cos (2 π)/17 = -1/16 + 1/16 17^(1/2) + 1/16 (34 - 2 17^(1/2))^(1/2) + 1/8 √ (17 + 3 17^(1/2) - (34 - 2 17^(1/2))^(1/2) - 2 (34 + 2 17^(1/2))^(1/2))

Although Gauß proved by this formula that the regular 17-gon is constructible, he did not actually show how to do it. The first construction is due to J. Erchinger [5] .

The first explicit construction of a regular 257-gon was given by F.J. Richelot in 1832.

A construction for a regular 65537-gon was first given by J. Hermes in 1894. He spent 10 years completing the 200-page manuscript.


1 A prime typeset structure is called Fermat prime if it is of the form typeset structure, or equivalently of the form typeset structure.

2 The first entry sais:  Principis quibus innititutr sectio circuli, ac divisibilitas eiusdem geometrica in septemdecim partes etc. (Mart. 30. Brunsv.)


[1]  Gauß, C. F. (1976). Mathematisches Tagebuch 1796-1814. Leipzig: Ostwalds Klassiker der exacten Wissenschaften 256; (Gauß, Werke, Band 10).

[2]  Wantzel, P. L. (1836). Recherches sur les moyens de reconnaître si un problème de géométrie peut se résoudre avec la règle et le compas. J. Math. pures appliq., 1, 366-372.

[3]  Edwards, H. M. (1984). Galois Theory. New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, Tokyo: Springer Verlag.

[4]  Rademacher, H. (1964). Lectures on Elementary Number Theory. New York, Toronto, London: Blaisdell Publishing Company.

[5]  Erchinger, J. (1825, Dec. 19). Geometrische Construction des regelmässigen Siebenzehnecks. Goettingische gelehrte Anzeigen, (203), 2025; (Gauß, Werke, Band 2, pp.186-187.

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