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Point Sets in a Euclidean Space

Let the set  typeset structure be endowed with the Euclidean distance typeset structure, where typeset structure and typeset structure.

If typeset structureand typeset structure, the set typeset structure is called the typeset structure-disk about typeset structure, or typeset structure-ball about typeset structure, or typeset structure-neigborhood of typeset structure. A set typeset structure is called open if for each typeset structure, there exists an typeset structure such that typeset structure.

Example: If typeset structure is open and typeset structure, then typeset structure is also open.

A point typeset structure is called an interior point of typeset structure if there is an open set typeset structure such that typeset structure. The set typeset structure of all interior points of typeset structure is called the interior of typeset structure.

The interior of a set may be empty. On the other hand, the interior typeset structure is the largest subset of typeset structure.

A set typeset structure is called closed if its complement typeset structure is open.

A point typeset structure is called an accumulation point (or cluster point) of a set typeset structure if every open set typeset structure containing typeset structure contains some point of typeset structure other than typeset structure.

A set typeset structure is closed if and only if all accumulation points of typeset structure belong to typeset structure.

The closure typeset structure of a set typeset structure is defined as the intersection of all closed sets containing typeset structure. The closure of typeset structure is the union of typeset structure and the set of all accumulation points of typeset structure.

If typeset structurethen the boundary typeset structure (sometimes also denoted by typeset structure) is defined as the set typeset structure.

We have typeset structure if and only if for every typeset structure, the typeset structure-neigborhood typeset structure of typeset structure contains points of typeset structure and of typeset structure.

A set typeset structure is bounded if there is a positive real number typeset structure such that typeset structure for all typeset structure.

A set typeset structure is called totally bounded if for each typeset structure there is a finite set typeset structure of points in typeset structure such that typeset structure.

A totally bounded set is bounded.

A cover of typeset structure is a collection typeset structure od sets whose union contains typeset structure. In this case we also say that typeset structure covers typeset structure. A cover is called open if each typeset structure is open. A subcover of a given cover is a subcollection of  typeset structure whose union also contains typeset structure. A finite subcover is the subcollection containing only a finite number of sets.

A subset typeset structure is called compact if every open cover of typeset structure has a finite subcover. A compact set is closed.

Heine-Borel Theorem: A set typeset structure is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded.

A collection of closed sets typeset structure in typeset structure is said to have the finite intersection property for an typeset structure if the intersection of any finite number of the typeset structure with typeset structure is non-empty.  

A set typeset structure is compact if and only if every collection of closed sets with the finite intersection property for typeset structure has non-empty intersection with typeset structure.

Nested Set Property: If typeset structure is a sequence of compact non-empty sets in typeset structure such that typeset structure then the intersection typeset structure is non-empty.

If a set typeset structure is called convex if it has the property that for each pair of points belonging to it the straight line segment connecting them consists entirely of points which also belong to the set.

An open set typeset structure is called path-connected in case each pair of points in typeset structure can be joined by a path consisting of a finite number of straight line segments joined end to end consecutively, the whole path lying entirely in typeset structure and not crossing itself anywhere. Such a path is called a polygonal arc.

Let typeset structure. Two open sets typeset structure are said to separate typeset structure if they satisfy these conditions:

The set typeset structure is called disconnected if such sets exists, and if such sets do not exist, we say that typeset structure is connected.

A set typeset structure is called totally disconnected if typeset structure and typeset structure then typeset structure and  typeset structure where typeset structure and typeset structure are open sets that disconnect typeset structure.

Path-connected sets are connected. On the other hand, if typeset structure is an open connected subset of typeset structure then typeset structure path-connected.

Maximal connected subsets of a set are called components. Similarly we can define path components using path-connectedness.

A set typeset structure is called star-shaped (or star convex) if its boundary is entirely visible from an interior point or from a point on the boundary. It is called strictly star-shaped if this is valid when the visibility is restricted to the interior of the set.

Clearly a set is convex it is star shaped with respect to each of its points.

A set typeset structure is called symmetric with respect to a point typeset structure if  for every  typeset structure also typeset structure. The point typeset structure is called the centre of symmetry of this set.

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Štefan Porubský: Point Sets in a Euclidean Space.

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