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Ordering relation

Order theory studies various kinds of binary relations that capture the intuitive notion of ordering expressed usually using phrases "less than" or "precedes".

A partial ordering (or simply ordering) of the set typeset structure is a binary relation, say typeset structure, which is

reflexive: typeset structure for every typeset structure,

transitive: if typeset structure and typeset structure, then typeset structure,

antisymmetric: if typeset structure and  typeset structure, then typeset structure,

A set with a partial order defined on it is called a partially ordered set,  just an ordered set. A partially ordered set is also called a poset. This term was coined by Garrett Birkhoff [1]  . A partially ordered set endowed with partial ordering typeset structure is denoted by typeset structure.

If in addition at least one of the relations

a <= b,    b <= a

holds for all typeset structure, then we say that the ordering relation typeset structure is total. These orders are also called linear orders or chains. For instance, the divisibility relation between natural numbers is not total.  

A partial ordering can be visually represented by the so-called Hasse diagrams. For instance, the name linear orders or chains comes from the fact that the elements of a linearly ordered set can be visually arranged along a straight line.

A preorder typeset structure is a binary relation that is reflexive and transitive, but not necessarily antisymmetric. Each preorder on a set typeset structure induces an order relation in the following way:

Thus obtained set of equivalence class is often denoted by typeset structure.

An element typeset structure of a partially ordered set typeset structure is called

the least element if typeset structure for all elements typeset structure,

a minimal element, if typeset structure implies typeset structure for all elements typeset structure,

the greatest element if typeset structure for all elements typeset structure,

a maximal element, if typeset structure implies typeset structure for all elements typeset structure.

The least element is the only minimal element of a poset, but generally a poset may have more minimal elements. Similarly, the greatest element is the only maximal element of a poset, but  a poset may have more maximal elements

A well-ordering typeset structure on a set typeset structure is an ordering on typeset structure such that every non-empty subset typeset structure of set typeset structurecontains a minimal element, that is, there exists an element typeset structure in each non-empty subset typeset structure such that typeset structure for each typeset structure.

Subsets of partially ordered sets inherit the order.

A relation typeset structure on a set typeset structure is called irreflexive if  no element of typeset structure is related to itself; that is typeset structure for no typeset structure.

A binary relation typeset structure on a set typeset structure is called a quasi ordering if it is irreflexive and transitive.

Given a partial order typeset structure we can derive from it a quasi order typeset structure by defining typeset structure if typeset structure and not typeset structure. This ordering relation is also called strict ordering.


[1]  Birkhoff, G. (1948). Lattice Theory (2nd ed.). New York: Amer. Math. Soc.

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