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Algebraic structures with one operation

A set may be regarded  as a trivial algebraic structure with no operation defined. The simplest structures of some interest is a set endowed with one operation.

Nullary operation leads to a pointed set: this is a set with a distinguished element.

Unary system is a set typeset structure with unary operation, equivalently we have a function defined on typeset structure.

Example: Peano axiom system is a pointed unary system. The distinguished element is typeset structure, and the unary operation is the function typeset structure.


The simplest algebraic structures is a set endowed with one binary operation.

A groupoid  (or magma) is a non-empty set typeset structure together with a binary operation typeset structure. The groupoid is closed under the operation. As a operation signs other symbols are also used, e.g. typeset structure or typeset structure etc, and the operation is called groupoid operation. To stress the operation also the notation typeset structure is used for the groupoid endowed with binary operation typeset structure.

A subset typeset structure is called subgrupoid of typeset structure if typeset structure is also a grupoid with respect to typeset structure.

Quasigroup is a groupoid typeset structure in which every element is invertible with respect to typeset structure.

Loop is a quasigroup with an identity element.

Semigroup is an groupoid typeset structure with typeset structure associative, i.e. a set typeset structure on which an associative binary operation has been defined.

Monoid is a semigroup with an identity element.

Group is a monoid in which every element is invertible, or equivalently, an associative loop.

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