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Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem

Let typeset structure be a subgroup of a group typeset structure. For any element typeset structure, the set typeset structure defines a right coset of typeset structure in typeset structure and the set typeset structure a left coset of typeset structure in typeset structure .

Lemma. If typeset structure is a finite subgroup of a group typeset structure and typeset structure contains typeset structure elements then any right coset of typeset structure and every left coset of typeset structure contains typeset structure elements.

Proof: We prove the result for right cosets. Let typeset structure. By the cancelation law each typeset structure will give a different product in the right coset typeset structure when multiplied on the left onto typeset structure. Thus each element of typeset structure will create a corresponding unique element of typeset structure. Consequently, typeset structure will have the same number of elements as typeset structure.

Lemma. Two right cosets of a subgroup typeset structure of a group typeset structure are either identical or disjoint.

Proof: Suppose typeset structure and typeset structure have an element in common, i.e. typeset structure for some elements typeset structure and typeset structure of typeset structure. This implies typeset structure. Since typeset structure is a group, typeset structure, i.e. typeset structure for some typeset structure. This means that every element of typeset structure can be written as an element of typeset structure, that is typeset structure. By a symmetrical argument it follows that every element of typeset structure is in typeset structure and therefore these two cosets must be identical as sets.

The map typeset structure induces a bijection of typeset structure onto typeset structure.  Hence any two right cosets have the same cardinality, the cardinality of typeset structure. The same is true for left cosets.

If we define the order of a finite group typeset structure as the number of elements of typeset structure, this proves:

Lagrange’s Theorem. The order of a subgroup typeset structure of a finite group typeset structure divides the order of typeset structure.

The theorem is named after Joseph-Louis Lagrange who first stated it. However, his terminology and context was quite different [1]  .  He dealt with permutation of roots of a polynomial  He stated a special case of the following theorem [2]  in terms of the degree of the resolvent equation of  a polynomial equation  [3]  :

Theorem: If  the variables of  the polynomial typeset structure of  typeset structure variables are permuted in all  typeset structure possible ways then the number typeset structure of different polynomials that are obtained in this way divides typeset structure.

For example,  the variables typeset structure  can be permuted in 6 possible ways.  Under these permutations the polynomial typeset structure gives a total of 3 different polynomials: typeset structure, typeset structure, typeset structure. This number of such polynomials is the index in the symmetric group typeset structure of the subgroup typeset structure of permutations which preserve the given polynomial, where  typeset structure.

With the later development of the abstract theory groups more than one century later, Lagrange’s special result  on polynomials was recognized to extend to the above general theorem about finite groups. Note that the concept of the coset was first proposed by Evariste Galois  and the term coset was coined by G. A. Miller  in 1910.

Since the order of the cyclic group generated by a group element coincides with the order of the element we also have:

Corollary. The order of an element of a finite group divides the order of the group.

Since every element typeset structure of typeset structure is in some coset (namely in typeset structure, since the identity element is in typeset structure) the elements of typeset structure can be distributed among typeset structure and its right cosets without duplication. If typeset structure is the number of right cosets and typeset structure is the number of elements in each coset then typeset structure. The number typeset structure is called the right index of typeset structure in typeset structure. Similarly defined number typeset structure of left cosets is called left index of typeset structure in typeset structure. Both numbers are equal and are denoted by typeset structure. The index of the trivial subgroup typeset structure coincides with the cardinality of the group typeset structure. From the above we get the following version of Lagrange”s theorem:

Theorem. Let typeset structure be a group and typeset structure its subgroup. Then
typeset structure in the sense that if two of these indices are finite, so is the third one and the formula holds.

Let typeset structure be a subgroup of  the group typeset structure. The last theorem can be extended as follows: An element of typeset structure is called a coset representative of typeset structure.    

Let typeset structure be subgroups of typeset structure. Let typeset structure, be a set of (left) coset representatives of typeset structure in typeset structure, and typeset structure, a set of coset representatives of typeset structure in typeset structure. Then it can be easily proved that typeset structure, is a set of coset representatives of typeset structure in typeset structure. This gives:

Theorem. Let typeset structure be subgroups of a group typeset structure. Then typeset structure in the sense that if two of these indices are finite, so is the third one and the formula holds.

One of the fundamental questions is question about the converse of Lagrange's theorem:  if a number typeset structure divides the order of group typeset structure does that mean that typeset structure must have a subgroup of order typeset structure? The answer is no in general but the special cases where the answer is affirmative are many and interesting. They are dealt with in detail in the so-called Sylow Theorems.


[1]  Lagrange, J. L. (1770-1771). Réflexions sur la résolution algébrique des équations. Nouveaux Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Berlin, (Oeuvres de Langrange, Tome 3, pp. 205-421).

[2]  Roth, R. L. (2001). A history of Lagrange's theorem on groups . Mathematics Magazine, 74(2), 99-108.

[3]  Nový, L. (1973). Origins of modern algebra. Prague: Academia, Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences .

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