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Prime ideal

A proper ideal typeset structure of a ring is called a prime ideal of typeset structure if for any typeset structure such that typeset structure at least one of  the factors typeset structure and typeset structure belongs to typeset structure.  The notion of the prime ideal generalizes the notion of a prime number.  The principal ideal of typeset structure generated by a prime number is prime.

Theorem. The factor ring typeset structure of an  ideal of a cumulative ring with identity is an integral domain if and only if the ideal typeset structure  is prime.

Theorem. In a commutative ring with identity, every maximal ideal is prime.

A prime ideal typeset structure is called a minimal prime ideal over an ideal typeset structure in a ring if there are no prime ideals of typeset structure strictly contained in typeset structure that contain typeset structure. A prime ideal is called  a minimal prime ideal of typeset structure if it is a minimal prime ideal over the zero ideal typeset structure.

The height of a prime ideal typeset structure of a ring typeset structure  is the number of strict inclusions in the longest chain of prime ideals contained typeset structure. Here, if

 p _ k ⊂ p _ (k - 1) ⊂ ... ⊂ p _ 1 ⊂ p _ 0 (1)

is a chain of typeset structure prime ideals contained in typeset structure, where every inclusion is strict, then the height of typeset structureis at least typeset structure. We also say that the length of chain (1) is typeset structure.

The height of an ideal typeset structure is the infimum of the heights of all prime ideals containing typeset structure.

Every principal ideal in a commutative Noetherian ring has height one.

If a ring typeset structure has Krull dimension typeset structure, then the polynomial ring typeset structure has Krull dimension between typeset structure and typeset structure.  If  typeset structure is a Noetherian ring, then the dimension oftypeset structure is  exactly typeset structure.

In commutative algebra, the Krull dimension 1of a ring typeset structure is defined as the number of strict inclusions in a maximal chain of prime ideals of typeset structure. In other words,  Krull dimension of a ring typeset structure is the largest height of any prime ideal of typeset structure, or it is the supremum of the lengths of chains of prime ideals

The set of all prime ideals of a commutative ring typeset structure with identity is called prime spectrum of typeset structure, and is denoted by typeset structure, ↑


1 Wolfgang Krull (1899 - 1971) a German mathematician, working in the field of commutative algebra .

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