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Polynomials Basic

A (univariate) polynomial typeset structure in typeset structure is an expression of the form

                                              n           n - 1 FormBox[Cell[TextData[Cell[Box ... TraditionalForm]                                            n       n - 1                 1      0

where typeset structure are constants, called coefficients  and typeset structure the so-called indeterminate. If the coefficients are admitted to be elements of a set typeset structure, then typeset structure denotes the set of the all polynomials with coefficient from the set typeset structure.  The number typeset structure is called the degree of typeset structure (or simply typeset structure) provided typeset structure, and denoted by typeset structure. The coefficient typeset structure is called leading coefficient of typeset structure and will be denoted by typeset structure.  The coefficient typeset structure is called the constant or absolute term of the polynomial. The expressions typeset structure, typeset structure, are called monomials or terms of typeset structure.

The polynomials of the zero degree are called constant, of degree two quadratic, of degree three cubic, of degree four biquadratic, etc.  Polynomials of the form typeset structure are sometimes called pure polynomials.  Polynomials with the leading coefficient typeset structure are called monic.

The polynomial whit all the coefficient vanishing is called the zero polynomial and will be denoted by typeset structure. It is convenient to assign the zero polynomial  

Example. The expressions typeset structure are actually polynomials of degree typeset structure in typeset structure with integer coefficients. They are called Chebyshev’s polynomials.

If typeset structure and typeset structure are arbitrary polynomials in typeset structure, then typeset structure and typeset structure.

Manipulation with polynomials is governed by the following rules. If

a(x)=  a _ n x^n + a _ (n - 1) x^(n - 1) + ... + a _ 1 x + a _ 0

b(x)=  b _ m x^m + b _ (m - 1) x^(m - 1) + ... + b _ 1 x + b _ 0

are two polynomials in typeset structure with the assumption typeset structure then we have:

Equality: typeset structure if and only if typeset structure for typeset structure, and typeset structure.

Addition: typeset structure,  where typeset structure for typeset structure and typeset structure for typeset structure.

Multiplication: typeset structure where typeset structure for typeset structure.

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Štefan Porubský: Polynomials Basic.

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