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Polynomials in Many Variables

Let typeset structure be an arbitrary field. A monomial in variables typeset structure is a product of the form typeset structure, where all the exponents typeset structure are non-negative integers. The total degree of this monomial is the sum typeset structure.

Often the following simplified notation is used: if typeset structure be an typeset structure-tuple of non-negative integers, then we write typeset structure. For instance, if typeset structure, then typeset structure. We also write typeset structure for the total degree of the monomial typeset structure.

A polynomial typeset structure in typeset structure variables typeset structure with coefficients in typeset structure is a finite linear combination with coefficients in typeset structure of monomials in variables typeset structure. A polynomial can be written in the form

f = ∑ _ α c _ α X^α,(1)

where the sum is over a finite number of typeset structure-tuples typeset structure.

The set of all polynomials in variables typeset structure with coefficients in typeset structure is denoted by typeset structure.

Let in equation (1) typeset structure be a polynomial in typeset structure. We call typeset structure the coefficient of the monomial typeset structure. If the coefficient typeset structure is non-vanishing, then we call typeset structure a term of typeset structure. The total degree of typeset structure, denoted by typeset structure, is the maximum typeset structure such that the coefficient typeset structure is non-zero.

The polynomial given in equation (1) is called the zero polynomial provided all of its coefficients typeset structure vanish.

A polynomial in equation (1) defines a function typeset structure in a natural way as follows: given typeset structure, replace every typeset structure by typeset structure in the expression of typeset structure. The result is an element of typeset structure. This gives the equation typeset structure two potential meanings:

This two statements are not equivalent in general. If typeset structure, the field with two elements typeset structure, and typeset structurethen typeset structure defines the zero function but it is not the zero polynomial. More generally, if typeset structure is a prime number then typeset structure for all typeset structure, and consequently typeset structure for all typeset structure.

However, when typeset structure is infinite, there is no problem with this duality:

Theorem: Let typeset structure be an infinite field, and let typeset structure. Then typeset structure is the zero polynomial in typeset structure if and only if typeset structure is the zero function.

Corollary: Let typeset structure be an infinite field, and let typeset structure. Then typeset structure in typeset structure if and only if typeset structureand typeset structure are identical as the functions defined on typeset structure.

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