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Algebraic operation

The notion of the operation (especially that of the binary operation) is the keystone of the algebra.

Let typeset structure be a non-empty set and typeset structure a non-negative integer.1 Let typeset structure, typeset structure times for typeset structure and typeset structure. Under an typeset structure-ary operation (or shortly an operation) on typeset structure we understand a function typeset structure. This means that an typeset structure-ary operation assigns to every ordered typeset structure-tuple of elements of typeset structure a unique element from typeset structure.

The number typeset structure is called the arity or the rank of the operation typeset structure and the inputs of the underlying function are called operands.

Sometimes it is useful to consider a constant as an operation of arity 0, such operation is called nullary. Thus

A non-empty subset typeset structure of typeset structure is called closed with respect to the operation typeset structure defined on typeset structure if the restriction typeset structure is an operation on typeset structure.

Binary relation typeset structure on a set typeset structure is called compatible with an  typeset structure-ary operation typeset structure defined on typeset structure if typeset structure for all typeset structure such that typeset structure, typeset structure.

A non-empty set typeset structure endowed with one or more operations is called algebraic structure or algebra. More precisely,  an (universal) algebra is a pair typeset structure, in which typeset structure is a non-empty set, and typeset structure is a set operations on typeset structure.  

Let typeset structure and typeset structure be two non-empty sets endowed with typeset structure-ary operations typeset structure and typeset structure, respectively, where typeset structure is a non-negative integer.  A map typeset structure is called a homomorphism (with respect to operations typeset structure and typeset structure) if

φ(f(a _ 1, ..., a _ n)) = g(φ(a _ 1), ..., φ(a _ n))       ... bsp; for     all        a _ 1, ..., a _ n ∈ M .

In words, if   typeset structure maps the result under the operation typeset structure to the result of typeset structure-maps under the operation typeset structure.  If typeset structure is one-to-one (injective) and onto (surjective), that is,  typeset structureis a bijection, then typeset structure is called an isomorphism.

Lemma: Let typeset structure and typeset structure be two non-empty sets endowed with typeset structure-ary operations typeset structure and typeset structure, respectively, where typeset structure is a non-negative integer and map typeset structure a bijection. If typeset structure is a homomorphism, then so its inverse typeset structure.

Let typeset structure, is a system of non-empty sets typeset structure each with an typeset structure-ary operation typeset structure, then we can define (the so-called componentwise definition) a new operation typeset structure on the Cartesian product typeset structure by

f(s _ 1, ..., s _ n) (i) = f _ i(s _ 1(i), ..., s _ n(i))    for all s _ 1, ..., s _ n ∈ S    and     every i ∈ I .

In many cases it is useful to drop the assumption that typeset structure is a function with a domain typeset structure, that is that  typeset structure is defined for ordered typeset structure-tuples of elements of  typeset structure.  If typeset structure is defined only on a subset of typeset structure then typeset structure is called a partial typeset structure-ary operation.  Typical example of a partial binary operation is the division of real numbers where division by  typeset structure is not defined.


1 In general typeset structure can be any ordinal number.

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